Oil paintings by famous artists or contemporary masters rightfully top the rating of art objects. In their popularity, they surpass canvases painted in watercolor, gouache or acrylic.
But such paintings have a significant disadvantage – the high cost of purchase. As an alternative, it is more profitable to order a copy of the work of an eminent author.
Which oil painting is considered a copy ? A work that is a repetition in a similar style, manner, and preferably in the same dimensions as the original.
In this case, you need to keep in mind the following: the more accurately the repetition is performed, the higher the cost of the copy.
Who is engaged in the creation of copies of famous paintings?
Currently, not every artist knows how to create exact copies of oil paintings: this task is within the power of really talented representatives of the fine arts. In this regard, it is easier to find those who write approximate copies of canvases. But if the accuracy of the transfer of details is important to you, contact the professionals in this matter.
To create a custom copy of the painting you like, the artist must provide a high-quality photo of the original. And then, with the help of oil-based paints and brushes, he skillfully repeats a specific plot on a blank canvas.
Why make copies of oil paintings?
By purchasing a copy of the oil painting, the customer gets the opportunity to enjoy his favorite story every day. It is also a great way to please dear people with an interesting image in honor of a holiday or a significant event. Moreover, it was drawn by the artist by hand, and not printed, as when ordering a reproduction of a painting.
If you want to surprise your family or friends with an original gift, or make a nice purchase for yourself, order a copy of the oil painting in the Dnieper from the artist Irina Kvasha. You can choose a plot from the presented works on the site or offer your own version from those found on the Internet. A custom-made beautiful copy of an oil painting in a suitable size will adorn your home or office interior.