Peonies: oil painting
Do not waste time looking for a worthy gift for family, friends or yourself! Right now you have a unique opportunity to buy a finished oil painting «peonies» of my authorship online or order its creation with an individual plot.

Peonies have always been and continue to be one of the most beloved flowers of artists. In turn, oil paintings with their image are liked by both men and women.
In China, where the tradition of decorating the interior in accordance with the practice of Feng Shui came from, peonies symbolize devotion and a successful marriage. So a beautiful picture of peonies will be an excellent birthday present for your soulmate, for Valentine’s Day, for a wedding or for an anniversary of married life. At the same time, for young girls it is better to choose a canvas with white peonies. And if you notice that the flame of your feelings has begun to fade, it is desirable that a painting of «peonies» appear in oil on canvas in red tones in the bedroom.
Noble peonies in the paintings of artists (oil on canvas) are not only a symbol of prosperity, a happy life, passion and love. So, fully opened peony buds symbolize peace. In addition, images of peonies are famous for their therapeutic effect. Looking at their amazingly realistic images, the mood improves, and inner excitement is replaced by calmness.
- According to the original sketch.
- With revision until final approval.
- According to a photo from the Internet in any genre.
- With delivery to any city in Ukraine or the world.
- At a negotiated price for bulk orders, as well as for regular customers.
Do you value artistic taste, craftsmanship, quality and punctuality? Send me an image via the feedback form, according to which a custom-made canvas painting should be painted. These can be both oil paintings by famous artists, and simply vending photos from the Internet. I will complete the order in accordance with your wishes and within the agreed time.
If you do not have time to wait for the creation of a future painting (from a week or longer, depending on the complexity), you can immediately buy an oil painting from among the finished works. It is enough to choose the desired option from those posted on the site, check the availability of the picture by phone.